

 Councilman David Weprin 23rd CD

Councilman Weprin represents the 23rd Council District, including the communities of Hollis, Queens Village, Bellerose, Glen Oaks, Floral Park,Fresh Meadows and  Bayside.  He was elected in 2001. He is chair of the Finance Committee and a member of the Sanitation & Solid Wast Management, Rules/Privileges & Elections, Cultural Affairs/Libraries & International Intergroup Relations, Standards & Ethics and Small Business/Retail & Emerging Industries Committees.  

Councilman Weprin Releases 5 Point Plan To Combat Illegal Conversions

Councilman Weprin has recently introduced his five point plan to combat illegal conversions and strengthen enforcement by the Department of Buildings.

1- Int. 230 this legislation would allow Council Members and Community Board Managers to swear out affidavits in order for the Dept. of Buildings to obtain warrants for inspection. It also would increase penalties for owners who fail to contact the department for an inspection.

2- Int. 232 would give the Building Commissioner authority to deny permits to owners who have outstanding, unpaid fines.

3-Councilman Weprin will ask that the city budget provide for more building inspectors and require the DOB to re-inspect violations until there is compliance.

4-Fines must be raised to deter illegal activity. To many times the fines become a "cost of doing business" at the expense of the community.

5-Co-sponsored legislation to have Council oversight Board of Standards and Appeals decisions.